Saying Goodbye...
I have a real passion for crafting an individual ceremony for each family to ensure that they feel that their loved one has been celebrated in a way that reflects the life they led and the character that they were. I have attended many funerals which have been bland, and do not reflect the person that has passed. In my lifetime, I need to ensure that no one experiences a poorly run funeral service, I'll work very hard to get this right for you and your family.
My sister Julie
This is my beautiful sister, Julie, who died at the age of 48, the humanist that was chosen for the service (I had no involvement in this bit!) was unwashed, scruffy and did not understand Julie at all. Julie was one of the Directors for the NHS and she was immaculate. Her sense of style is something that stuck with people as well as her incredible smile that lit up every room she walked into. I worked with Julie before she died to put together a funeral that she had orchestrated. Neither Julie or I had no control over one element of the funeral which was at the crematorium, however the church ceremony was all Julies doing. We even had bell ringers which was unheard of for a funeral, but it was what Julie wanted - so Dad and I made sure of it!
Based on my experience at the crematorium, it is extremely important to me that the people I work with, are left with a sense of closure as well as a sense of celebration of someone's life. You can see my beautiful sister Julie in the pictures right here...

My husband Kris
It is also important to note that I am very comfortable to handle difficult deaths. Again based on my own experience of my husband, Kris, taking his life at the age of 34 leaving me with my two girls who at the time were 7 & 4. I can empathise and understand the frustration, confusion, despair and loss that those families feel at the time of their loved ones passing. I feel that I can bring a lot of comfort to those families at a very critical time for them. I’ve put some pictures here of my husband and my two beautiful girls: